You’re invited to worship with the people of Boardman United Methodist Church on Sunday mornings at 10am - in our sanctuary or live streamed on our Facebook page: “Boardman United Methodist Church (BUMC)”
I am the Rev. Allison LeBrun, pastor of Boardman United Methodist Church. It is a blessing to pastor the people of Boardman and to be in ministry with the wider Youngstown communities.
Boardman UMC is a vibrant faith community where there is room for everyone - whoever you are and wherever you are on your faith journey. We have opportunities for worship, for study, for community & fellowship, and for mission & service. Together we seek to better love God and to better love neighbor as self.
You are invited - invited to experience our Triune God in worship, invited to come to know God better through study, invited to build relationships in community and serve others in the name of Jesus.
Peace Be With You,
Pastor Allison LeBrun
Our Beliefs as United Methodist Christians
As Christians who are United Methodist’s, we at Boardman United Methodist Church believe in God the Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. We understand that each of us are given opportunity to accept Christ as Savior, and that a faith community is important to our spiritual growth and maturity. This lifelong process of spiritual maturity, requires that we take an active part in our own faith development through our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service and witness.
We understand that God’s gift of Grace is offered to each of us, and we have the free will to accept or reject that gift.
At Boardman UMC we want you to feel welcome, to begin to grow into mature disciples of Jesus Christ. We also want you to be part of this congregation by engaging in study, in worship, and in service to the greater community around us.
Join us for fellowship, and worship time in God’s holy presence, as we grow into mature disciples who help transform the world around us, for Jesus Christ.