Rev. Allison LeBrun

Rev. Allison LeBrun

Allison LeBrun grew up in Canfield, Ohio. She is a graduate of Canfield High School, The University of Mount Union, and Vanderbilt Divinity School. She grew up in The United Methodist Church, baptized and confirmed, and considers it her church home. She entered full-time ministry in 2017 and was ordained in 2019. Her gifts for ministry include relationship-building, preaching, and vision casting. Her ministry passions include Wesleyan theology, inviting all to the table, and creating communities filled with joy.

Outside of the church Allison loves spending time with her family - including her daughter and many nieces and nephews. She is an avid reader, word-game fiend, beach-glass collector, and hiker.

If there was one thing she would want each and every person created to know it is this: You are loved by the God who is Love! And there is nothing that can separate us from that Love. Thanks be to God for a Love like that! (Romans 8)